Beautiful pics of Paris Hilton and Emily Osment feet & legs

Carter Milliken Reum was born in 1981. He is an American entrepreneur, who has written many books, and also created a venture capitalist firm. Carter Milliken Reum is most well recognized for his union with Paris Hilton. M13 Ventures was founded by him as well. Carter Reum earns his income mainly from his angel investment company, M13. M13 made investment into Lyft and Jessica Alba's The Honest Company. Carter Reum is able earn a decent living with his investments and business ventures. The company made lots of money when he sold his vodka firm, VEEV. The representative for Hilton told USA Today that the social media star, reality TV and DJ 41 welcomed her baby boy along alongside Venture capitalist Carter Reum. Hilton has teased about her brand new baby on Instagram and posted a picture of her child's thumb grasping the newborn's hand. Emily Jordan Osment is a Los Angeles native born in March of 1992. Haley Joel Osment is Emily's younger sister. Her father Eugene is also an actor of some renown. Emily's acting career began in the footsteps that her father and mother followed. Emily performed in several commercials. The same year she landed a role in the Hallmark film Sarah Plain and Tall: Winter's End as the daughter of Glenn Close and Christopher Walken. This role earned her a nomination as Best Young Actor.

pics Emily Osment a feet & legs pics Emily Osment b feet & legs pics Emily Osment c feet & legs pics Emily Osment d feet & legs pics Parker Posey e feet & legs pics Paris Hilton f feet & legs pics Paris Hilton g feet & legs pics Paris Hilton h feet & legs pics Paris Hilton i feet & legs


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